Communologue – A Powerful Dialogical Process For Safe Communication in Groups
Manual created by Orli Wahrman with the help of the members of the Imago Peace Project.
March 2013.
Present Active Peace Project Members:
Wendy Appleton
Dorsey Cartwright
Marcia and Larry Ferstenfeld
Janet Hostetler
Linda Marshall
Neil Meili
Al Turtle
Orli Wahrman
Shelly Webb
Present Friends and Frequent Members:
Lilliana Bastaic
Ani Grosser
Tova Salinger
Maryrita Wieners
Past Members:
Sara Boxnboim
David Flohr
Ann Jones
Sam Lison
Janis and David McCann
Laura Marshall
Allan Schiffer
Theo Smith (died 2012)
Libba and Jim Wells
Donald Gibbon, ( 1937 - 2010 )
“It is impossible to create a healthy culture if we refuse to meet, and if we refuse to listen. But if we meet, and when we listen, we reweave the world into wholeness.” Margaret Weatly, 2002.
We would like to dedicate our manual to the memory of the late Donald Gibbon, ( 1937 – 2010 ) who was a dedicated member of the Peace Project from the beginning.
Don was loved by all of us, a man of many talents,
clever and a gentle soul, on a planet better with him being on it.